Drag DR 47 Gloss Black Wheel with Machined Lip Finish (18x7"/5x100mm)

✚✚✚ Drag DR 47 Gloss Black Wheel with Machined Lip Finish (18x7"/5x100mm)

Fueled by the pure passion of JDM and the tuner scene, Drag Wheels has taken its place as one of the world's premier wheel manufacturers. With a focus on development and design, Drag is committed to creating slick styles that set trends in the industry. Drag wheels provide tuning enthusiasts with a smooth, stylish concept combined with wheel design that's ahead of its time. Groundbreaking wheel technologies like self-locking chrome stainless steel lips are a big part of what sets Drag apart from the competition. Drivers seeking wheels for drifting, drag, or street applications need look no further than Drag wheels.

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Drag DR 47 Gloss Black Wheel with Machined Lip Finish (18x7"/5x100mm) - Fueled by the pure passion of JDM and the tuner scene, Drag Wheels has taken its place as one of the world's premier wheel manufacturers. With a focus on development and design, Drag is committed to creating slick styles that set trends in the industry. Drag wheels provide tuning enthusiasts with a smooth, stylish concept combined with wheel design that's ahead of its time. Groundbreaking wheel technologies like self-locking chrome stainless steel lips are a big part of what sets Drag apart from the competition. Drivers seeking wheels for drifting, drag, or street applications need look no further than Drag wheels..


Drag DR 47 Gloss Black Wheel with Machined Lip Finish (18x7"/5x100mm)?

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